In order for a child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism at St. John the following requirements must be fulfilled:
Name of Child
Date and Place of Birth
Parent's Names including maiden name of mother
Address and Phone #
Parent's religion and what church they were married in
Godparents (Sponsors) Names
In order for a child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism at St. John the following requirements must be fulfilled:
Name of Child
Date and Place of Birth
Parent's Names including maiden name of mother
Address and Phone #
Parent's religion and what church they were married in
Godparents (Sponsors) Names
Godparents must meet the following requirements:
Godparents have to be practicing Catholics. For the spiritual benefit of your child and as a role model of Catholic faith and practice, it is necessary that both the sponsors (godparents) be practicing Catholics, one man and one woman. The Godparent must be at least 16 years of age, a baptized Catholic who has been confirmed and received the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and a practicing Catholic. One who is married outside the Catholic Church (example: by minister or civil authority) or living together without Marriage is not considered a practicing Catholic. Baptized Catholics who left the Catholic Church and joined another Christian denomination or religious sect are ineligible to be sponsors. All Catholic Godparents (if not members of St. John Church) must provide us with a certificate of sponsorship from the church they attend. This certificate must be on file in order to schedule a date for the baptism. If one the parents of the child is a non-Catholic Christian, a Christian Witness is admitted from that particular Christian denomination along with the catholic Sponsor.
Godparents have to be practicing Catholics. For the spiritual benefit of your child and as a role model of Catholic faith and practice, it is necessary that both the sponsors (godparents) be practicing Catholics, one man and one woman. The Godparent must be at least 16 years of age, a baptized Catholic who has been confirmed and received the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and a practicing Catholic. One who is married outside the Catholic Church (example: by minister or civil authority) or living together without Marriage is not considered a practicing Catholic. Baptized Catholics who left the Catholic Church and joined another Christian denomination or religious sect are ineligible to be sponsors. All Catholic Godparents (if not members of St. John Church) must provide us with a certificate of sponsorship from the church they attend. This certificate must be on file in order to schedule a date for the baptism. If one the parents of the child is a non-Catholic Christian, a Christian Witness is admitted from that particular Christian denomination along with the catholic Sponsor.

diocese_of_norwich_-_affirmation_of_sponsors.pdf |
Baptism Class:
If this is your first child, parents must attend a Parent Baptismal Class prior to the baptism. This class will be scheduled once in two months on a Saturday at 8:30 a.m. in the church office. Please call the church office for the next class date, A donation to the Church is appreciated unless this poses a financial hardship
If this is your first child, parents must attend a Parent Baptismal Class prior to the baptism. This class will be scheduled once in two months on a Saturday at 8:30 a.m. in the church office. Please call the church office for the next class date, A donation to the Church is appreciated unless this poses a financial hardship
Marriage Arrangements: Arrangements must be made at least 8 months in advance before the date of the wedding.
Non-refundable deposit of $100.00 in order to reserve date for the ceremony.
St. Sebastian Parishioners: St. Sebastian Parishioners must make an appointment with the Pastor as soon as they reserve the date for Pre-Matrimonial Investigation. A CURRENT Baptismal Certificate (date no more than 6 months prior to your wedding), copies of First Communion & Confirmation Certificates will be needed if one or both made their sacraments outside the parish. Non-Catholics are asked to obtain your Baptismal Certificate if possible.
Pre-Cana Program must be completed by all couples. Options are: Engaged Couples Encounter Weekend or online pre-Cana (call Diocesan Family Services (860) 899-8346. Non-Parishioners: All Pre-Matrimonial Investigation and Pre-Cana must be completed by the church of the bride/ groom). Copies of all the above documents including sacramental certificates and a letter of written permission to marry at St. John Church from your Pastor is required. If you find it difficult due to work or other situations, preparations can be done at Saint John Church.
Marriage License: Marriage License must be obtained from the City of Middletown. Apply one month before the wedding. License must be in the Parish office at least two weeks prior to the wedding.
Guest Priest: if you have a family priest or friend priest who you would like to invite to officiate at the wedding, it is allowed, provided that he is a good standing Catholic Priest. The priest has to request and obtain from his Chancery or Provincial Superior (if he is a religious priest) a permission letter and the Statement of Suitability of Cleric and send them to our Chancery at the following address:
Rev. Dennis Perkins The Vicar for Clergy of the Diocese of Norwich 201 Broadway Norwich, CT-06360
Fees Parishioners- if they are active members: $400.00 ; Other parishioners $ 500.00 Non-Parishioners $600.00 Sunday weddings are discouraged. For certain situations of the family, they are permitted. Sunday wedding fee will be $ 700.00 $100, non-refundable deposit is due in order to reserve your wedding date. The remaining fee is due two weeks prior to the ceremony.
Music: Mrs. Joanne Swift, Director of Music, Church Organist, and Cantor is available to play and sing at the Church for your wedding. She will gladly assist in planning the music for your wedding in accordance with Diocesan guidelines. Please contact her immediately to reserve your date (860) 729-2538. If you wish to utilize the services of an alternative organist, you must have the permission of the Pastor. In addition, our organist is to be compensated.
Other fees: Altar servers assist at the wedding Mass only. If you would like altar servers at your Mass please advise the church office at least one month in advance. We ask as a courtesy gift of $20.00 be given to each Altar Server (2). You should include this money at the time you bring in your license and final payment. The priest performing the wedding will take care of paying the altar servers for you.
Arrival of Wedding Party Groom & Ushers: The groom and ushers should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony. Bride & Attendants: The Bride should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start ceremony so that she can proceed down the aisle on time. Confetti, Rice etc.: No confetti, rice, birdseed, plastic or flower petals, etc. may be thrown at the entrance of the Church, in the Church or in the street. Please inform your wedding party and guests of this policy. Flowers, Decorations, Center Aisle Runner: Your florist will handle the flower, aisle, etc. The length of the main aisle is 75 feet with 29 rows of pews. It is customary for the bride to leave altar flowers in the Church for Sunday Services. All pew decorations as well as decorations outside the Church must be removed after the ceremony. The use of tape is not allowed. Please call the church office one day prior to the ceremony to see when the church will be open for decorating and flower placement.
Parking: Limousines are to park in the designated area on St. John Sq. directly in front of the Church. Please check with the Pastor for instructions if you plan to utilize a horse and carriage.
Photographers: All photographers, video people, etc., are asked to check with the Priest to determine what areas are off limits. You may return to the Church to take pictures following your receiving line if you wish. Picture taking must be completed within half an hour after the ceremony. If the bride is delayed, photos are not taken in church after the ceremony.
Rehearsal: The rehearsal time and date are set when the Pre-Matrimonial Investigations are completed. All rehearsals must begin on time and end on time. Another wedding rehearsal may be scheduled on your same date. Please inform the other members of your wedding party of this procedure.
Marriage Arrangements: Arrangements must be made at least 8 months in advance before the date of the wedding.
Non-refundable deposit of $100.00 in order to reserve date for the ceremony.
St. Sebastian Parishioners: St. Sebastian Parishioners must make an appointment with the Pastor as soon as they reserve the date for Pre-Matrimonial Investigation. A CURRENT Baptismal Certificate (date no more than 6 months prior to your wedding), copies of First Communion & Confirmation Certificates will be needed if one or both made their sacraments outside the parish. Non-Catholics are asked to obtain your Baptismal Certificate if possible.
Pre-Cana Program must be completed by all couples. Options are: Engaged Couples Encounter Weekend or online pre-Cana (call Diocesan Family Services (860) 899-8346. Non-Parishioners: All Pre-Matrimonial Investigation and Pre-Cana must be completed by the church of the bride/ groom). Copies of all the above documents including sacramental certificates and a letter of written permission to marry at St. John Church from your Pastor is required. If you find it difficult due to work or other situations, preparations can be done at Saint John Church.
Marriage License: Marriage License must be obtained from the City of Middletown. Apply one month before the wedding. License must be in the Parish office at least two weeks prior to the wedding.
Guest Priest: if you have a family priest or friend priest who you would like to invite to officiate at the wedding, it is allowed, provided that he is a good standing Catholic Priest. The priest has to request and obtain from his Chancery or Provincial Superior (if he is a religious priest) a permission letter and the Statement of Suitability of Cleric and send them to our Chancery at the following address:
Rev. Dennis Perkins The Vicar for Clergy of the Diocese of Norwich 201 Broadway Norwich, CT-06360
Fees Parishioners- if they are active members: $400.00 ; Other parishioners $ 500.00 Non-Parishioners $600.00 Sunday weddings are discouraged. For certain situations of the family, they are permitted. Sunday wedding fee will be $ 700.00 $100, non-refundable deposit is due in order to reserve your wedding date. The remaining fee is due two weeks prior to the ceremony.
Music: Mrs. Joanne Swift, Director of Music, Church Organist, and Cantor is available to play and sing at the Church for your wedding. She will gladly assist in planning the music for your wedding in accordance with Diocesan guidelines. Please contact her immediately to reserve your date (860) 729-2538. If you wish to utilize the services of an alternative organist, you must have the permission of the Pastor. In addition, our organist is to be compensated.
Other fees: Altar servers assist at the wedding Mass only. If you would like altar servers at your Mass please advise the church office at least one month in advance. We ask as a courtesy gift of $20.00 be given to each Altar Server (2). You should include this money at the time you bring in your license and final payment. The priest performing the wedding will take care of paying the altar servers for you.
Arrival of Wedding Party Groom & Ushers: The groom and ushers should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony. Bride & Attendants: The Bride should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start ceremony so that she can proceed down the aisle on time. Confetti, Rice etc.: No confetti, rice, birdseed, plastic or flower petals, etc. may be thrown at the entrance of the Church, in the Church or in the street. Please inform your wedding party and guests of this policy. Flowers, Decorations, Center Aisle Runner: Your florist will handle the flower, aisle, etc. The length of the main aisle is 75 feet with 29 rows of pews. It is customary for the bride to leave altar flowers in the Church for Sunday Services. All pew decorations as well as decorations outside the Church must be removed after the ceremony. The use of tape is not allowed. Please call the church office one day prior to the ceremony to see when the church will be open for decorating and flower placement.
Parking: Limousines are to park in the designated area on St. John Sq. directly in front of the Church. Please check with the Pastor for instructions if you plan to utilize a horse and carriage.
Photographers: All photographers, video people, etc., are asked to check with the Priest to determine what areas are off limits. You may return to the Church to take pictures following your receiving line if you wish. Picture taking must be completed within half an hour after the ceremony. If the bride is delayed, photos are not taken in church after the ceremony.
Rehearsal: The rehearsal time and date are set when the Pre-Matrimonial Investigations are completed. All rehearsals must begin on time and end on time. Another wedding rehearsal may be scheduled on your same date. Please inform the other members of your wedding party of this procedure.
Reconciliation: Heard Saturdays, 3:15-3:45pm and Sundays, 8:15-8:45am
Holy Eucharist/Anointing of the Sick: Contact the Rectory
Holy Eucharist/Anointing of the Sick: Contact the Rectory